Area Groups
As part of the Society’s strategy to encourage greater participation in Society-sponsored activities at a local level, we are seeking to establish new area groups.
Established groups in the Midlands, Yorkshire, Sussex and Essex areas exist to promote the Society’s activities through attendance at exhibitions.
We are now seeking to establish more such area groups.
If you are willing to promote a new group or to join an existing area group please contact us.
Local Group Contacts
Essex Model Railway Group (SADMEN) - are a small group of Gauge 3 and Gauge 1 modellers who meet regularly and enjoy running both live steam and electric locomotives. The 'Tiptrees' & 'Mangapps' Gauge 3 exhibition layouts are operated by members of this group. You can contact the SADMEN here.
Yorkshire Group
A small group of G3 Modellers, who all have local G3 layouts available for regular running sessions. They take it in turns to run at the tracks they operate and hopefully run once a month as a minimum. They hope that by holding informal but frequent local GTGs (in addition to those published in the Society GTG listings) they will encourage anyone interested in G3 to come along and join in. Contact: Ashley Wattam via Contact Page
Midlands Group - Contact: Andy Boothman via Contact page
Sussex Group - Contact: Roger McLellen via Contact page