In addition to being part of a thriving Society with a knowledgeable Membership with whom you can exchange views, discuss ideas and problems, as a Member you also receive the following benefits:
Society members have access to the Society's shop which supplies track parts and other items at preferential prices
The Society publishes a quarterly Newsletter that includes articles, letters, items for sale, illustrations and colour photographs of garden get-togethers, locomotives and rolling stock. The Newsletter is published in December, March, June and September. Members joining after April 1st are entitled to two editions of the Newsletter in the first year of membership.
Many members believe that the main benefit of membership is the ability to meet and exchange views with other G3 enthusiasts and our garden get-togethers (and AGM) represent excellent opportunities to gather ideas, exchange views, ask questions and discover how others have tackled similar problems. However, some members also appear to gain great satisfaction just watching the trains run past! Ÿ
An invitation to the Society's regular Get-Togethers and an invitation to attend the Society's AGM & Exhibition
A vote at the AGM and the right to stand for election to become an officer / committee member of the Society
Membership of the Society is renewable on an annual basis, the membership year running from the 1st January to the 31st December. Current membership subscription fees are included on the membership form.
Members are entered in the Register of Members of the company and are required to provide a guarantee of One Pound Sterling, in accordance with the Articles of Association of the company, said guarantee being required (under the provision of the Companies Act 2006) to continue in effect for twelve months after cessation of membership.
Please download an Application Form, print a copy, complete and post (with your cheque) to the address shown on the form.
Paying with PayPal
Payments can now be made via PayPal - please use the email address: treasurer.g3society@gmail.com when making payments.
Membership application form - click to download (Word Version)
Membership application form - click to download (PDF Version)
Articles of Association
Please note that this log-in is for
G3S Members only and is moderated.
Any Non-G3S Member applications will be blocked. For adminstration reasons, G3S Members should be enrolled on the
Members Messaging Service and use the
same email (as used for MMS) to log-in here