Welcome to Gauge '3'

Welcome to the official website of the Gauge '3' Society. We are here to support and promote modelling in Gauge '3': Standard gauge scenic railways running on 2½ inch gauge track.
Amongst our membership we have collectors of vintage trains, those with high pressure live steam locomotives, garden railways with continuous circuits for fast steam running and those with smaller railways using 2-rail, battery or radio control. All are equally welcome in the Gauge 3 Society.

Building & Running a Standard Gauge Railway in Your Garden - New 'Welcome to Gauge 3' Book

With over 80 A4 pages of advice and full colour photographs, this new high quality G3S publication is available to anyone interested in building and running standard gauge railways in their garden. Excellent value at just £9.00 (+ £3 UK P&P). Please use Contact to order
Contents include:
What is Gauge 3?
2.5" Gauge and Gauge 3
Guidelines for Get Togethers
Gauge 3 Society Track Standards
So you want to lay some track?
Building a ground level railway
Taking the first steps
How to fit a Quart into Pint Pot
How the Railway came to Chalfont
Introduction to Civil Engineering
Indoor Layouts
Exhibition Layouts
Purchasing a Locomotive
Vintage Gauge 3
Live Steam safety
Coal Firing
Gas Firing Proprietary Locomotives
Meths Fired Locomotives
Intro to Electric Propulsion
Radio Control for Garden Railways
Troublesome Trucks to Gauge 3
Letter your own Private Wagons
Passenger Stock
Wagon Construction
Unfortunately the Winter 2024 Newsletter included an out of date advert from Garden Railway Specialists (GRS). The advert that should have appeared is shown here. We apologise to GRS for the mistake.

Large Gauge 3 Portable Layout at National GTG
Interested in Gauge 3? Have a read of a little history, and see how you can get involved.
If you're thinking of joining the Society, have a read of what we might be able to offer you.
Here you'll find links to traders who will have Gauge 3 items for sale.
The Gauge ‘3’ Society – A Company Incorporated in England & Wales with liability Limited by Guarantee. Company No. 08174106.
Registered Office: 28 Church Road, Barling Magna, Essex SS3 0LS Email : secretary@gauge3.org.uk
The Gauge '3' Society is not VAT registered and prices shown on this website are not subject to the addition of VAT.